Friday 12 January 2018

Actors Gay Rainbow Adams

Actors are right-wing as in fascistic as people idolise, imitate and follow them. I'm sure Jay Dyer is referencing Hangout of the Avatar whenever he says 'limited hangout'

Easiest way to 'Take the rainbow back' is to use it as well, for instance in one of those mythical straight-pride marches ha, it's a rainbow it doesn't belong to any group. If you put rainbows on anything, regardless of orientation, politics etc then it becomes meaningless, like swastikas on hippies.

Kenny Everett was in it, as in sh*t as in queer? Kenny Everett although at first tended towards bisexuality later regretted it and tried to become 'normal' again (heterosexual), allegedly. This is a stock image of him & 'boyfriend' (I remember something about him being in an abusive gay relationship?), not sure what the game is but this'd been put in magazines for articles about him about that time:

V for Vendetta (movie) is wrong in it's premise that queers are persecuted in the media, it's actually straights that are pushed into queerdom for stardom... hmm stardom, star domination (ars*hole conquered). Plenty of straights have pretended to be queer to get to and stay in the media headlights. Frankie Howerd is another one.

Frankie Howerd's long-time gay partner breaks his silence
'No one except their closest friends ever knew. As Dennis says: "Frankie did not want to be gay. When people came to visit I would be put in another room. He was terrified it would affect his career.' I read only the first sentence of that quote as true, ie 'Frankie did not want to be gay.'
911 Was A Phantasmagoric Ravaging?

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