Macross Delta is better than previous Macross (including the original) as the pop culture music is countered by the protoculture, although they have only displayed one song. Also it shows the humans willing to eliminate their own planet/s to defeat the enemy. It's better than the trailer clip I posted shows. They insist on calling the singers of the humans, Walkure (Valkyrie), however that name is also reminiscent of Wamphyrii.
'The Spies' Girls look like trannies'
The plane's they own SPACY's (spastics)

Protoculture = Germany?
Necroscope - Wikipedia 'The term necroscope, as defined in the series, describes someone who can communicate with the dead (coined Deadspeak later in the series). Unlike necromancers, who here extract the knowledge they seek by brutal eviscerations of corpses, a necroscope can communicate with them as equals: peacefully and without any physical interference. The abilities of a necroscope are defined as a type of ESP.'
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